Since I am a free babysitter, my sister and her husband decided to take the opportunity to go on a date last night. They happily left me with their four little children and headed on their way. As they are walking out the door, they say to me, "Noah wouldn't let us put a diaper on him, so he is wearing regular underwear, good luck with getting a diaper on him".
After dinner, as we were all playing around, Noah kept acting like he needed to go pee. So, I took him in the bathroom, and he just screamed bloody murder so I did not do anything. Well, after a little longer, he acted again like he had to go. So I took him in the bathroom again and tried to put him on the toilet. Screaming like I was abusing him, I try to put him on the toilet, but he stuck his feet in instead. So, I put him in the tub and we cleaned him up. (Thank heavens Isaac is sleeping at this point and the other boys are playing playstation). After that fiasco, I decided to put him in a diaper......which did not work. He literally threw the biggest fit I have ever seen. So, I put the underwear back on him.
As we were all in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher, several things happened at once. Baby Isaac woke up screaming and incredibly hungry, Noah decided to pee in the underwear all over the kitchen floor, and Chase (who is still unloading the dishwasher) kept walking through the urine.
As the baby is screaming, I pick up Noah and take him to the tub again! He got another bath (3rd of the night) and then afterwards, finally consented to have the diaper put back on him. I then had to go out and clean up the floor and feed the baby and told Chase to go in and clean his urine covered feet. What a crazy night! It was so funny. Kids can be chaos!