Thursday, December 25, 2008

I Believe!!

I spent Christmas Eve at my parents house in Eden with my sister and her husband and kids. As we were preparing for Santa to come, we threw some "reindeer food" out on the front porch in case his reindeer got hungry during their long night! We also left Santa some milk and cookies.
This morning when I woke up, I wanted to see how much it had snowed over night since it was an absolute blizzard up here.
When I opened the door, this is what I found....
the unmistakable evidence that Santa is real, and that his reindeer were at our house last night and obviously enjoyed our little snack for them.
In all honesty, what are the odds that we are going to put out some "reindeer food" and have an animal leave footprints on this one important night? This is a Christmas miracle! Santa and his reindeer ARE real! I Believe!!


Amy J said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday. Happy New Year!

Colette said...

We even had reindeer poop in our backyard. Vanessa giggles about it all the time. She's a believer too!