Friday, March 25, 2011

the battered woman

day 1

day one. 12 hours later

day 2

day 4

1 week later

2 weeks later

4 weeks later

the accused: gus. but could that innocent looking dog actually do that?

yes he could.  5 weeks ago as i was making my bed, gus ran down the hall and jumped full speed onto my bed.....hitting me in the orbit in the process.  he knocked me to the floor.  i am lucky the hematoma stayed inside instead of causing massive amounts of bleeding.  as you can tell, it has been a long healing process.  i still have remnants of a black eye FIVE weeks later.  i think he broke my orbit. 
my favorite part is the looks that i have been getting for the last 5 weeks.  people certainly assume the worst.  it has been entertaining to say the least!


Unknown said...

Thank you for all of the photos of the dog attack. You did look beautiful in every picture, I must say.

Amy J said...

My goodness, your dog is quite strong! But you do look really good, even with a black eye!!!!!!