Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Housing Crisis Averted

After having my house on the market since June with a lot of walk through's but no takers, I finally decided to put it up for rent. Two days later, I have my house rented starting October 1st. What an absolute blessing.......I hope. I know renting can bring a multitude of problems, but these people have excellant references and credit checks. I rented my last house out for a year and it ended up being such a blessing. I am hoping I experience the same thing again.
I guess I was a little surprised that my house never sold since my last one went in 9 days to the second people who walked through. I guess the market troubles have people very jittery.
I am still completely up in the air as to what I will be doing for the next 13 weeks of my life. I am looking at anything and everything. I have been submitted in San Jose and Denver. We will see. I could end up anywhere!! I am just thankful I don't have to worry about my house (well, not too much hopefully)

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