So I am in my fifth week of P90X now! It has been going great! However, there are days when I am working out (like today) that my muscles are so fatigued that I honestly don't know if I will be able to get off the floor. I did the Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout today. And after the first time of doing it, I can honestly say it is not my favorite. After doing seriously 100 push ups, I laughed out loud at Tony Horton when he says "ok now we are going to clap in between push ups" or "lets do the one arm push up". Are you kidding me?!? That is pretty funny Tony, cuz I am way too exhausted already to do a one armed push up! What do you take me for?
Some people think I am crazy as I am sitting there talking to my tv. "No Tony, we are not going to go into downward dog anymore!!"
It has been a fun program to do though. I am a much stronger person than when I started which is what I was going for anyway.
You're inspiring - I've tried it a couple of times and think - hmmm - I better train to be ready to do these workouts - but maybe doing them is the training eh?
I can't even do one real push-up (I have to be on my knees) . . . much less 100! Keep it up!!
For clarification purposes, most of my push ups right now are girl push ups. (: Can't do that many of the real thing yet! Also, yes doing this program is training for it. If I waited until I was fit enough to do the whole thing, I would never be able to do it.
You are truly an inspiration. I have seen the P90X infomercials a lot and have always thought it would be awesome to try.
Keep up the good work, we are all anxiously awaiting a picture of the new you once the program is all over.
(And don't worry about talking to the TV, we all do it whether we want to admit to it or not).
Keep it up! You are awesome. I had to stop because I am sick. I will start back up in a week. Are you doing the diet part also?
Good work, Kim!! I am so proud of you!! I bet you are even surprising yourself by the things you are able to do. Keep it up! Oh, I really was never able to do the one arm push-up either. It is a killer.
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