Sunday, August 31, 2008

Is this what Heaven is going to be like?

Picture it, any given Sunday in 2008. (For you Golden Girls fans, remember Sophia telling any story, "picture it, Sicily, 1948" etc). My friend Christy and I are sitting in sunday school in the 31-45 (or 50 or 60) year old singles ward in SLC, Utah. Relief Society is first and then sunday school is in the same room afterwards (there are 3 relief societies and 2 sunday school classes). After relief society, a few seats change and sunday school begins. In the 70 person room, the odds are slightly better this week than normal there are approx. 12 men to the 58 women. How did I get myself into this little mess? (Still being single) I guess it's too bad that my name isn't Ken and I were a man, I would feel exceeding lucky if it were with those odds!

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