Friday, August 6, 2010

Moving to Los Angeles

We took off from SLC for LA on Aug 5th.  Our first day we drove to St. George.  Jack did very well on the drive down.  Especially since I gave him some doggy valium for the drive.  He handled it well.
I am so proud of Jack for doing so well
We stayed with the grandparents in St George.  It is always nice to see them. Grandpa loves dogs and had a good time with Jack
I had to put my mom to work!
We FINALLY made it to the state line!  I had no idea it was such a long drive
Our first visuals of downtown Los Angeles
More downtown LA
My new digs
Looks like a nice place!
Jack is very happy here! He is such a good boy. He has adjusted well and is having as much fun as I am
Our first walk in our new neighborhood
My new workplace! I am excited to start working. It should be fun.

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