Friday, August 13, 2010

Day at the Beach-Santa Monica

Jack and I had a great day at Santa Monica Beach.  Unfortunately they do not allow dogs on the beach there, so we just walked along the boardwalk. We had a complete blast!  We could not go 10 feet without someone stopping us to say hi to Jack and to ask about him.  He is a very popular dog out here!  It has been fun showing him off to people.  They absolutely LOVE him!  And, of course, he loves all the attention. I noticed that even when people spoke in foreign languages, I could tell when they were talking about him.  They would be talking normal and then when they saw him, all of a sudden it sounded like baby talk.  It was  hilarious! He has been such a good dog.  I am so proud of him!
Jack was desperately trying to get on the beach!  He could see the water in the distance and wanted to be there sooooo badly!
It was a gorgeous day and we had a blast!

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