Monday, August 16, 2010

Day in Malibu

Today we took the PCH north of Los Angeles and spent the day in Malibu.  We had a blast.  It was fun to see the scenery and play at the beach. The water was gorgeous there.
Of course Jack found a rock as soon as we got there to play football with.  The only unfortunate thing is that it was an on leash beach.  Jack had to play football with his chain around his neck.  Not as fun, but it worked.
Gorgeous views
A ten year old boy played with Jack for about a half hour.  He wanted Jack to ride his boogie board in the water.  It woulda been funny.
I love this scene. Just can't get enough
Cute boy on the beach
Gotta love the lifeguards!
I don't know why I love lifeguard towers so much.
Gorgeous views of Malibu coastline
A really, really, really big $300 million yacht in Malibu
The marine layer would not leave all day
I love the views
More lifeguard stands!

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