Tuesday, May 17, 2011

my first cruise....as ship nurse!!!! sunday-tuesday.

so, i took a job as a part time cruise ship nurse and this is my inaugural cruise.  i am on the oosterdam out of seattle, washington going to ALASKA!!!!  i have never been to alaska before and could not wait to get going. i had to break my trip up into days (hence this post only covers sun-tues because i have sooooo many pics that it would be too hard in one post.)

gorgeous views of downtown seattle as we departed.  the weather cooperated and only the skies were gray.

the views while cruising up to alaska were absolutely spectacular!

i ate lunch with the 2nd nurse brenda and her family christine and peter.  they were fantastic!  we became instant friends

front of the ship

some fun porpoises that were showing off for us. lots of wildlife around here!

simply amazing

if you look really close, that brown dot you see on the shore is a moose.

not going to lie, i thought of the titanic more than once as we sailed through many icebergs.  it sure was freezing cold up here.

this is the reid glacier.  you can see the blue hue in the middle of the glacier.  this is the smaller of the glaciers we saw.

we saw a bear!!!!  this is a brown bear just taking a walk up the coastline

i love bears.  so there are tons of pics of the bear

he decided to stand up for us! so cool!

there are a bunch of seals laying out on the rocks there.

the marjorie glacier!!! this is in glacier bay and it is so huge.  you can see portions of it falling off into the water and that is called calving.  the sound it makes is called white thunder.  it is so loud and at times such a huge portion of the ice that it shakes the ship.

had to get the portrait in front of the glacier

this is the icu in the clinic.  we can do almost anything there, but don't want to. ;)

my bedroon.  it was a decent size and i loved being here.  what a great experience i am having.  i am so lucky!!!  i am having a complete blast. and this is only the beginning!!!

1 comment:

Amy J said...

Wow, what a great experience for you! I am kindof jealous! How long will you be a part-time crusie nurse?