Sunday, May 22, 2011

life of a cruise ship nurse: victoria and seattle

i was on first call today for our stop in victoria so i stayed on the ship.  but i did take a moment to get this gorgeous shot of the sunset.

day 7. brenda, christine, dr michael sir and i just before they all got off the ship.  it was such a fantastic week.  i absolutely loved the people i worked with and had such a great time.

nancy (lead rn), myself, and irene (crew doc). seriously could not have asked for a better team. such great people

today was turn around day in seattle. i was on 3rd call and so i took the day and got some great pics of seattle from the ship. this is magnolia hill.

seattle houses on the hill.

i could totally live here......

i love sailboats.

view of downtown. what a great week.  i can't believe how fast it went by!  one down and one to go.  i could totally get used to this cruise ship life!

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