Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beautiful AZ sunset

My roommate Jessie and I took a hike to get some fun sunset shots. It was a beautiful night. There is a park by our house called Papago Park that has some rock mountains you can hike/climb (if you like to climb. Not me, that requires heights, and I don't do heights). Of course I brought Jackie Wackie along for the hike (he loves to be outside).
Living here in AZ, there are several red rock mountains right close to our house. It is really cool to see them and you can see them in our sunset shots. The scenery around here is pretty impressive. Anyways, we had a great time, and as you can tell, I got some great shots.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I am so glad we went~! That was so fun! You did get some great pics! I love the one of Jackie poking his head above the rock.