Saturday, April 26, 2008

Huntington Beach

My friends and I decided to go to the Huntington Beach Singles Conference this weekend. Today was so incredibly much fun. We went and played beach volleyball. What a total blast! I actually did better than I thought I would. That is always nice when you surprise yourself like that. Then I had to go and cool my feet off in the water. The sand was very hot! This pic is one I took from the water. I wasn't about to complain about the view. Gotta love the lifeguards! Afterwards, I had to go put some clothes on and sit in the shade. It was seriously so incredibly hot, I thought I was getting fried. The beach was so much fun.
Tonight we have group dinner. Basically we got to choose a place to eat and when we show up, we find out who we are eating with. It was a great way to get to know several different people.
We had ten people on our table at Joe's Crab Shack in Newport Beach. It was tons of fun! We had a great group of people, and Joe's is a fun place to eat. They have loud music, dancing and lots of craziness going on constantly. I was able to chat with some great people from all over. After, they had a dance at the church. They also had different rooms where you could play the wii, play rock band, eat yummy snacks, and sing karaoke. It was a good night. I had a lot of fun today.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

You look so cute in that outfit!