Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Favorite Things

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings, These are a few of my favorite things.
Your singing now, aren't you? Some of my favorite things are photography, my dog Jack, and doing anything outside. Tonight we combined all three in a great sunset walk.
Jackie Wackie and I went to Tempe town lakes. It was a great night. The wind started blowing this afternoon and it dropped the temperature by about 10 degrees. It was nice and cool (well, cool for AZ anyways.....it was probably still 70s) It was such a great night for a walk.
I was able to get several great shots with my camera. I love to take pictures. It is honestly why I take vacations. It is also how I decorate my house. I mean, honestly, how do people find stuff to put on their walls without taking pics. Anyways, I was able to get some great shots of downtown Phoenix with the sunset. My favorite pic of Jack is of him looking through the hole in the bridge. He had been looking at the water, and just as I took the picture, he looked up at me. It turned out really cute. Although, I think that if I would let him, Jack would jump from the bridge into the water. He loves it!!
Lastly, the walk was one of the most enjoyable things I have done today. It was so relaxing and so fun. I love to be outside with the fresh air and the blue skies (ok, obviously orange tonight). This is what makes living in AZ in the winter so appealing, the weather is fantastic.


Nadine said...

OK, I finally caught up on all of your blogs. You have a life that some would envy. I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself.

Emily said...

I know I envy it! I STILL have not been to NY.

Cindy said...

Could Jack get any cuter??? That mischievious smile on his face says it all? What a happy pooch! Great photo ops Kim. You keep amazing me with your photography skills.