Sunday, April 20, 2008

Notice: Sex Offender

I just thought that this was so incredibly funny (it probably isn't, but I had to laugh). We got this in the mail the other day. I can honestly say that I have never in my life recieved a sex offender notification in the mail. I mean, what am I supposed to do with this? Move? Oh wait, I am a traveling nurse. I can move in a few weeks!! I guess it is a good thing to know what kind of neighbors you have. In some cases what you don't know can hurt you. It is also good that as a traveling nurse, you can move when you want.
Anyway, life here continues to be so much fun. The weather is starting to get a little hot, but for the most part it is fantastic! We are still doing the same old stuff. Going on walks everyday is my ablsolute favorite things to do. I think Jack tends to agree.


Cindy said...

Wow Kim, that is a little scarey. I'm grateful you have such a wonderful bodyguard.

Emily said...

Is it Spencer???