Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Fun

4th of July weekend we had a complete blast doing family things.  I think the 4th of July is one of my favorite holiday's!  I love to celebrate our fantastic country and the freedoms we enjoy.  We went up to Monte Cristo and had a complete blast 4 wheeling.  I had to take it easy because of the back, but still had a blast. 
Cute Chase with Aunt Kim
Jack absolutely loved playing with rocks in the grass and trees
Noah loved playing on the 4 wheel trailor
I took an easy going ride for about 10 mins.  I think I may have hit 10mph at one time.  I was sooooooo careful!  Did not want to hurt my back again.
Cute Caden preparing to ride ATV
Noah is all smiles for Aunt Kim
My niece Allison met a boy that came up with Brooke and Spencer from AZ.  His name is Dokken and he was so much fun for her to hang out with.  It was so adorable!!  They got along so well and had a great weekend together.
Noah with his helmet on
We set up camp in a great little cove. It was such a beautiful day!
Noah playing around
We may have finally exhausted Noah
Reid and Val going for a couples ride.  Unfortunately I am not a couple, so I stayed back with the kiddos
Chase finally got the guts to shake Jack's hand. It sure was cute.
Another cute shot of Dokken and Allison
Me holding Xander. (Sal and Ang's baby)
Noah and Isaac found the fire pit and enjoyed getting soot all over themselves.  What a mess!!
What a great way to spend the day!

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