Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July fun never stops!!

We have a family tradition of going to Pine View every summer to play, have a bbq, and ski and wake board.  It is honestly one of my favorite places on earth.  This year, however, I was not able to ski due to the back injury.  I did get in the water and had a great time playing in the sun. This is a pic of Grandpa chillin in the sun.
Isaac had more fun just playing with the water faucet.
Ok and in the mud
It was such a beautiful day!
Noah playing with Grandpa
Hallie had a complete blast!
Aunt Kim and Chasey
Cutest pic ever! Chase and Hallie.
Grandpa on the wave runner
Allison and Dokken
Jake loving the wave runner
Mom and Reid on the boat
Noah, Caden, and Jake building something in the sand
Cute Carter
Spencer forced Isaac into the lake.  He was not the happiest person ever. That water is cold!
Cute Hallie came to dinner that night with all the adults at Carlos and Harley's.  It was delicious!  What a fun-filled day

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