Friday, June 11, 2010

Birthday Fest Chicago 2010. Happy Birthday to US!!!

Happy Birthday to BJ and I!!!  It is our 33rd birthday and boy was it unforgettable!! What a great day.  Beej and I started out on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building.  They have a nice restaurant and we decided to treat ourselves.  We had great conversation, great views, and great food!
BJ and I with our fantastic views.  What a great time.
View straight down from our table
Today they also happened to be having a parade and celebration for the stanley cup winning Chicago Blackhawks. If you look at lower middle of photo, there is a road and at the top end of the road is a sea of red.  They had 2 million people show up for the party.  Downtown Chicago was completely crazy today!!  Happy people everywhere.  It was fun to be a part of it.
Another awesome view from 95th floor
We were there!!!
My birthday dessert.  Delicious Creme Brule. It was so creamy and yummy.
After lunch, BJ and I met up with Kristin and just walked around the city.  I absolutely love city shots so I got a ton of those.  We also went shopping at H&M.  I absolutely LOVE that store.  I spent 170.  Happy Birthday to me!
I thought this was a little unique, considering that it was almost 90 degrees outside today and extrememly muggy.  Falling ice was the least of our concerns.  Silly Chicagoans!!
Gorgeous city views!
Ok, more city views.  I love big cities!
Kristin, BJ, and I
More blackhawks celebrating.

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