Thursday, June 10, 2010

Birthday Fest Chicago 2010 day 1

Downtown Chicago on my first day here.  It was a cloudy and chilly day.  I wanted to go out exploring before I met my friends for dinner.  It is a beautiful city.
I mean, obviously I have to do the token self portrait.
More views of downtown Chicago
Me at some random downtown fountain.  I am certain it has historical significance, but it is unknown to me.
Beej at our birthday eve dinner.  We went to UNO which is a delicious deep dish pizza joint. I had two pieces.  I was stuffed.  It was so incredibly great!Thanks Beej for dinner.
The UNO pizza mansion. Yum
So, the Chicago Blackhawks hockey team won the Stanley Cup and the entire city was in celebration mode.  A lot of the buildings had changed their lights to red. I love big city sports.
These lions are outside Chicago Art Institute and they definitely have Blackhawk pride!!
BJ and I on the bridge over the Chicago river.  It was a really nice night.

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