Thursday, June 24, 2010

Old age is painful.....

So, I hurt my back.  I honestly did not know a hurt back could hurt so bad.  I went to my doctor and got an order for physical therapy.  This is me in the spine stretching machine.  It is like chinese torture.  I honestly thought of that scene in princess bride when they try to kill wesley in the torture chamber.  I feel like I understand that feeling. Who knew your back was so incredibly important?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday June!

Since our family has tons of birthday's in June, I decided to order my favorite cake for a family celebration. German Chocolate cake is my absolute fav!  I ordered it from Parsons Bakery (one of my favorite bakeries). It was HUGE!! It was 5 in. tall and 10 in. diameter.  It was absolutely delicious! I loved it. Yay for June Birthday's!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Little Shout Out To Public Transportation

I absolutely LOVE public transportation!!  I love being able to walk everywhere you want to go and then jump on the train and get around.  I love to be outside (except in the dead of a cold winter).  I think public transportation is one of my most favorite things about big cities.  I love trains!

When I travel to big cities I get excited just to use the trains.  Since I have to admit I may have a bit of road rage, I love how you can get on the train and there is rarely any traffic.  You get where you want to go FASTER!
Chicago has the L.  I like being able to see most of the scenery going by
Reminds me of While you were sleeping
Yay, the train is here

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthday Fest Chicago 2010 day 4

On our way to breakfast this morning we came across some cool Chicago sites.
You know how I love cities
Breakfast at Yolk.  It was delicious, but while in there we noticed some commotion where the waitors were trying to kick out these two guys. While I was in the bathroom a while later, a girl came in and told me that they had tried to steal her wallet and her friend hit the guy in the arm and knocked the wallet out of his hand. That is when the big commotion began. It was crazy. I really liked the food though. Really yummy.

Can you imagine having that big of a dog in a city.  I thought my Jack was huge!
Self portrait!
Some low clouds today
More city shots with low clouds
Chicago has some unique art
BJ, Maria, and I at the Jazz Festival
City shots from Lurie Gardens
Lurie Gardens
I love the flowers with the skyline
The Chicago Bean
Kristin, Maria, and I at The Chicago Bean
Inside the Chicago Bean
Kristin, Maria, Beej, and I inside bean
Skyline shots on The Chicago Bean

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Birthday Fest Chicago 2010 day 3

Chicago is such an incredibly fun city.  So much to see and enjoy.  I absolutely love big cities.  I need to get myself out of SLC.  No offense, but I am so bored there.

Today we went to a suburb of Chicago and met my friend Sarah for breakfast.  We went to a place called Clarks.  It was yummy. 

Random sites of Evanstan
I love artwork.....which Sarah called graffiti! :)
We will call it urban art.  He he he.
Then Sarah took us to a fantastic little shop called The Mexican Shop.  I absolutely loved it.  It had unique jewelry and clothing. It was so incredibly much fun. Thanks Sarah
The train to take us back to the city
Sites of Chicago
My own version of abstract art.  The Chicago Sewer.
Apparently this is a famous Chicago popcorn shop.  Kristin had been telling me about this shop since we got here.  She told me the lines are always really long because it is DELICIOUS! I did not believe her.
Now I do. This is the line for the popcorn shop which also winds around and around once you get in the shop.  Which we waited in.  It was worth it.  The caramel popcorn was so yummy
I never tire of city views.
I was there
What more can I say???
This is a famous park where they take video of people and then project their faces on this landmark. Interesting city art.
kayaking down chicago river is on my list of things to do in chicago.  looks like tons of fun
On our way to dinner
For my extended birthday dinner, my friend Kristin took me to Harry Carey's Steakhouse.  We had such a great time and the food was absolutely delicious.  I honestly could only eat half of my steak and did not even make a dent in the twice baked potato.  On a lighter note, I asked the waiter if he had a dog and sure enough, he did.  I offered my leftover steak to him for his dog and he accepted.  It did not go to waste.  I was so happy.
Of course they completely humiliated me by loudly singing happy birthday to me and giving me FREE coconut sorbet.  It was yummy.
Dusk views of Chicago