Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Night out at Tuscany

Snowing outside Tuscany
My friend Christy and I get together every year and go splurge on a really nice place to eat for Christmas.  This year we chose Tuscany.  It is a fantastic little restaurant that has the best ambiance.  It was decorated so beautifully for Christmas.  I had the most delicious chicken picatta- lemon butter sauce with capers, mashed potatos and asparagus.  It was absolutely delicious!  Then for dessert, we shared a piece of banana cream pie.  I am not going to lie, I normally do not eat pie.  In fact, I hate pie.  But, the way they described the pie with a toasted coconut crust and then the banana cream filling.....I could not resist.  It was fantastic!  It was the most unique combination, but so incredibly delicious.  What a wonderful night.  It was snowing all night as well, which made for an absolutly beautiful night. 
Christy and I at our table

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