Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Boot Camp Week 3

Things are still going great with my Boot Camp.  Since I started 17 days ago I have lost 5 pounds.  Since the beginning of December I have lost 8 pounds.  I am really happy with my success!  It has not been easy, but it is definitely worth it! 
This week they switched up my usual trainer again and sent in a trainer named Danielle.  We did not get off to the best start.  When I was running on the treadmill, she attempted to increase my speed without my permission.  As I am running along, she reaches in to increase the speed and I swatted her hand away.  I don't know that she liked that, but I was already running as fast as I could possibly run and did not want to fall off the treadmill.  She told me that I was not going as fast as I could and I told her that it was impossible for her to know that.  I won in the end, but was really BUGGED!  Don't play with my treadmill speed without my permission!! 
I am just happy that I have made it half-way through the holiday season and have been losing weight.  That is a fantastic Christmas present in itself.  Total weight loss for this week is 1.7 lbs.

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