Saturday, March 1, 2014

life of a cruise ship nurse: sydney, australia part 3

sydney, australia part 3. i could not choose which photos to include. hence 3 parts to sydney. hopefully the 3rd one is the last.
the sydney hospital.  of course i found the hospital.  i can't  help it. no matter where go in the world, i always find the hospital or take pics of the ambulances or fire trucks.  it is a part of me. 
 st james church, sydney. across from hyde park
 this is st mary's cathedral in sydney. it is stunning.  it is huge!  i took this pic from hyde park
 st mary's cathedral
 despite it being fall here in sydney, the flowers are stunning and in full bloom in hyde park.  this pic of st mary's cathedral turned out gorgeous.  it is so spectacular!
 space needle.
 we happened to be in sydney during mardi gras.  we went to the parade.  there were literally hundreds of thousands of people at the parade.  i could not even see the parade.  it was crazy.  it is always fun to attend local events when you are traveling. although we did not stay long, i could not see a thing!
big coke billboard.  i love diet coke.  it is my favorite thing to drink.  i take a coke pic everywhere i find one.

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