Saturday, March 1, 2014

life of a cruise ship nurse: Sydney, Australia part 1

my experiences in sydney will be told in multiple parts.  mostly because i cannot decide which pictures to cut.
 i made it to sydney after the 15 hour flight from LA ready to explore the city. of course, it was raining. i was not about to let a little water falling from the sky ruin my day.  rain or shine, here i come! i took the train from my hotel to the city.
 and, i got off at the wrong stop.  i mean, it's not my fault that the train conductor does not announce the stops here like they do in other major cities!!!  oh well, more exploring for me!
 when i got out of the subway, this is the first thing i saw!  the sydney harbor bridge!! i have waited my whole life to come here!
 the sydney opera house was the next thing i looked for.  two iconic landmarks in one minute.  amazing. 
 today happens to be a mardi gras parade in sydney.  there are banners and signs everywhere!
 selfie with the sydney opera house. i was there!
 i love old phone booths. they are practically obsolete, but sydney still has a few.
 planter box
 we decided to walk across the harbor bridge.  there are some amazing views from up there. namely, the sydney opera house.
 a close up of the opera house.  it is a unique building.
 a view of downtown from the bridge
the park to the right of the opera house is the royal botanic gardens.  they are spectacular!  it is a huge green space in the middle of the city.  i loved it. 
another view of the harbor bridge.

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