Saturday, March 10, 2012

life of a cruise ship nurse: phu my, vietnam

we are sailing into phu my today which is the port city of Ho Chi Minh City formerly known as Saigon

the scenery is absolutely breathtaking.  i can honestly say that i had no idea vietnam looked like this!

the boats that people live in

i am sort of obsessed with their homes.  i think it is so cool

really cool neighborhood

family ride on the motorcycle

rush hour at the stop-light

they carry absolutely everything on the back of their bikes. my favorite was two dogs. amazing

downtown ho chi minh city

flea market

food for sale

those electrical wires are amazing and frightening

ok, is it just me or does squirrel coffee sound scary?

lots of options around here

i cannot imagine eating food from these places.

food market

meat market. gross

all the knock-off purses you could ever want

fruit market

i was desperate for a bathroom.  it cost me to use the toilet.

old embassy in ho chi minh city

happy kim. i LOVE asia

view of the city

notre dame cathedral

cool billboards

we are in the city formerly know as saigon

authentic chicken pho. delish!!

dinner at canalettos. yummy cotton candy

jacques and i

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