Saturday, April 11, 2009

Girls in New York day 2

Welcome to the New York City Underground. Where you can get all the fake purses, wallets, and watches that you could ever want. We all went to Chinatown today. What a complete blast. I was not even planning on making a purchase and what did I do? Two purses and a wallet later we were leaving! This pic I took of the purses I had to sneak, and even then I got yelled at for a few minutes.
It is funny, when you shop for purses here in NYC, they take you down to these very underground places that are like locked closets. It is a little creepy at first. Following some random person down a street and then down the stairs to a locked room. Do I still have cell phone reception down here?? It seems like a safety issue to me.
After the shopping excursion, we headed up the street to Little Italy for lunch. We stopped at this little place called Positanos. It turned out to be absolutely fantastic. I got this delicious lemon butter chicken with pasta that I really enjoyed.
After the yummy Italian lunch, we headed to get some yummy Italian dessert at one of my favorite famous Italian cafe's Ferrara's. Christy and I shared a gelato, an eclair, cannoli, and a fruit tart. Linda got gelato. It was delicious. This has been a pretty good day so far too. Man I love this city! You honestly cannot go wrong here. There is so much to do and so much to enjoy that I just wish I could be here for a month. On someone elses dime, that is. We then headed to Wicked. What an absolutely fun show. I have seen it before, but did not remember how enjoyable it is. I love it. It is such a great show and the music is fantastic! Two days down, reality is bearing down on me like a train. I don't want this trip to end.

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