Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

As you can see, my Jackie Wackie had a nice Christmas! He loves those rawhide bones so much. I am glad they make them in the industrial size. He is so huge for a one year old. The best part is, those three foot long bones only take him two days to consume. He sure is a sweetheart. I am sure glad that I have him. He is my family.
I cannot believe that it is another year already. Time flies like crazy! I think that this is my year. I have decided that I am going to get out and do things for me this year, to make me better. You know how it is, every year you plan out your new years resolutions, and then Dec 31st rolls around and you think to yourself, "wow, I didn't get anything done this year". That is not going to be me this year. I commit to myself, and anyone crazy enough to be reading this, that this is my year! I am going to lose weight this year. I have wanted to for years. Why wait any longer? I am also going to get some new hobbies. Maybe I will take up kniting, painting, or krocheting (? spelling). I have always wanted to take flying lessons. I guess I can't just sit around all the time waiting for the hobbies to come to me.
I love the new year. I love a new perspective. It is like a new slate every Jan 1st at 0001. This year we are going to fill the slate with fun stories and adventures.

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