Saturday, July 4, 2015

happy 4th of july!!

howie, leo (my foster dog) and jack are happy to be celebrating our freedoms today.  we are proud to be americans.  we are so thankful for all those who fight today and always for our precious freedoms. we proudly display the red, white, and blue!

my precious howie posing for his mama. this guy is the most sweet, smiley faced guy around. he ALWAYS has a smile on his face. even when i try to discipline him. he makes me so incredibly happy. i sure do love this little guy. i couldn't decide which one i liked more, this one or the next...

i'm telling you, i have the best looking kids around.

this is my frowny faced guy.  jack really does smile sometimes. however, you have to really trick him. he absolutely hates the camera. i absolutely adore this guy more than my life. he makes my life worth living. he is so precious.

he will do anything to avoid looking at the camera.

i got my first veggies from my garden yesterday.  i am so proud of myself. they are delicious and there will be tons more. this is only the beginning

my garden is so beautiful and full of gorgeous flowers

a couple more example more examples of the gorgeous flowers in my gardern

my tomato plants are almost six feet tall. it is like they are on steroids. at one point, there was a walking space in this garden box. there is no walking space now.

howie loves water. he loves when i am watering the garden. he always attacks the hose. it makes me laugh.  he is so sweet.

happy wet boy

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