Friday, November 15, 2013

professional photo shoot with jack

i hired Elaina Renae Photography to take some shots of jack because she donates the sitting fee to a rescue of my choice (rescue rovers). he is a great subject. every pic turned out just completely perfect. he is just the most handsomest dog ever.

i love this pic. it shows jacks personality perfectly. he absolutely loves rocks and he found one as soon as we got to millcreek canyon.

this is one of my absolute favorite pics. it is the perfect action shot. he was running to me when this pic was taken.

such a gorgeous dog!

this was taken during a brief break in playing with his rock.

he is a great poser for pics. hard not to be when you are the best looking dog on earth.

this one is my absolute favorite. i can't get over how much i adore this dog! he is the best dog. he is completely loyal to me.

ok, wait. i changed my mind. this one might be my favorite. ugh. they are all my favorite.

tongue out mountain playing.

then we got some fun pics. he looks really good in glasses

my boy whom i love

the cutest professor. i am so incredibly thankful for this special boy. he is the best part of my life.

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