Saturday, January 15, 2011

Meet Gus!

Meet Gus!  He is my new foster dog and Jack's new younger brother until he finds a forever home.  We couldn't help but spring into action when we heard that Gus (who is a one and a half year old lab mix) had been tied to a tree his whole life and was currently outside in (-) 12 degree temps with minimal shelter.  So, we went and picked him up.

He has been a great dog!  It has not all been perfect.  The first couple days, he had some food aggression problems toward Jack, but now they can eat together without any issues.

He really is a handsome boy

What a cutie.  He will be even better looking when he puts some weight on his bones.  He was not fed or watered regularly and you can see his ribs.

So incredibly sweet!

Gus absolutely loves the rawhide bones!

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