Monday, January 31, 2011

Gus's first snow-shoeing experience!

I took Gus on his first snow-shoeing adventure ever today!  Jack has always loved to snow-shoe and I thought Gus would think it was great.  I kept Gus on leash at first because I did not know how he would do off leash.  I found out the extremely hard way that Gus does fantastically off leash.

Cute Gus having a blast!

Jack is licking his chops for..........something.

Cute boy

Gus and Jack running and having a blast!

Playing together

Gus decided to try a hill.

Jack and Gus found some water to play in. I just think it is a delightful mess.  But they LOVE it, so I guess it is worth it

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My sweet Jack

I just felt like I wanted to post some pics of my completely handsome boy Jack.  He has had a rough week with the addition of Gus into our lives. He has been through a lot and I think he feels a little unloved. Trust me, he is not unloved. He makes my life worth living.  He is so sweet and such a good dog.  I am so thankful for him.

He is such a handsome boy

Just about to sneeze when I caught this shot

I love his paws

He can't keep his eyes open due to the flash.  Cracks me up

He is the best dog on earth

I love this boy

My sweet dog.  What a great boy

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jack and Gus

The new brothers have an absolute blast playing together!

They love to wrestle

Sometimes it looks like we have a dog-fighting ring at our house, but they are just playing and have a total blast

You can see they love each other

I don't know why it always looks like Jack is the mean one! :)

Cute boys begging for my dinner. Nope, I'm not sharing

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Meet Gus!

Meet Gus!  He is my new foster dog and Jack's new younger brother until he finds a forever home.  We couldn't help but spring into action when we heard that Gus (who is a one and a half year old lab mix) had been tied to a tree his whole life and was currently outside in (-) 12 degree temps with minimal shelter.  So, we went and picked him up.

He has been a great dog!  It has not all been perfect.  The first couple days, he had some food aggression problems toward Jack, but now they can eat together without any issues.

He really is a handsome boy

What a cutie.  He will be even better looking when he puts some weight on his bones.  He was not fed or watered regularly and you can see his ribs.

So incredibly sweet!

Gus absolutely loves the rawhide bones!

Friday, January 14, 2011

A new pup

So, I went and picked up a dog today who needed to be fostered.  There was some trouble in paradise.  He had some food aggression problems today and attacked Jack several times.  Jack is a very docile dog and instead of fighting back, went and hid under the table.

Or hid on Heather's lap on my chair

Or just sat on the chair himself and absolutely would NOT get off

Cutest, sweetest, most gutless dog ever!
Meet Gus, the cute little trouble maker. More blogs to follow.