Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jack's 4th Birthday Party

We had Jack's 4th birthday party a few days early.  We had such a great time!  We invited several of his dog friends, and some of my great human friends as well.  We had taco soup for dinner and several desserts. The doggy's got dog treats!
This is my niece Hallie. She is a party animal!
Here is the birthday boy! Cute Jackie Wackie
Jack's friend Baxter and him love to wrestle
Baxter's mom Jamie with cute Jack
Jack and Baxter wrestling
Addie and Heather's legs.
Jack and friends. Baxter, Addie, and Sadie
The 5th puppy at our party was cute Hallie
Of course Jack loves puppies and babies
Heather is taking turns giving the dogs a taste of dinner
Christy and Kai eating dinner with two very attentive dogs waiting for a morsel to drop
Jack is attacking Heather
Baxter practices obedience when he knows he will get a treat
Jack and Sadie playing!
One of many gifts Jack recieved from his friends. Thanks to them for the special gifts
Jack had a great time at his party and was soooo tired by the end of the night!

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