Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cards With The Tards

My friends Sharon, Joan, Christy and I get together once a month for a delicious dinner and card night.  Tonight we had Italian night.  Sharon made a delicious manicotti. Joan made some delicious garlic tomato toast and Christy brought a caesar salad.  I made BTS cake for dessert.  We then play our favorite card game ever......Hand and Foot.
Sharon has the cutest little baby named Atlas.  Jack and Atlas have a rocky relationship.  Jack out-weigh's him by 100 pounds and so there may be a little fear on the part of Atlas, but they end up loving being together.
I think he is so stinkin cute!
Sharon mixing up some drinks for us.
I just couldn't resist!

1 comment:

Nadine said...

That is a cute little dog, but I'll bet he cost more than your big dog.