Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Imo

Happy birthday Imogene!  Today I took one of my favorite nurses out for her birthday.  She turned 58.  We had yummy breakfast for lunch at Ruth's diner up Emigration canyon.  It was a gorgeous day and we had a fantastic time.
Me and Imo
She was a little surprised at the demdaco figurine that I gave her for her birthday.
No birthday is complete without cake....
So Cupcake was So average. Oh well.
We both had a complete blast!  Who cares if the cupcakes were totally average.  The company was fabulous!  Thanks Imo for a great day. 


Emily said...

I LOOOOVE Ruth's Diner!!! What fun! (bummer about the cupcakes)

Brooke said...

Ok, I don't know why it had been so long since I had read your blog. It was fun to catch up. Way to go on that snow shoe race. That is amazing. Jacob's ladder looks horrible. That is impressive that you do that. Those pictures of Hallie meeting her cousin Jack are adorable. What else??? Cute stuff. When are you coming to visit???