Sunday, March 29, 2009


When the first snow falls of the season, it is magical. It is beautiful and enchanting and captivating. It is so incredibly exciting and fun to think about all the snow skiing, snow shoeing, and other snow activities that you are going to do for the winter. In one word, it is bewitching.

Fast forward to the END of March. The weather has gone from absolutely captivating to absolutely miserable. The weather is now completely bipolar. It goes from beautiful, sunny and 60s to windy, cold, and snowing in a matter of a day. I am all set and ready to get my road bike out and now I have to pull out my snow boots again. AAAHHHH!
P.S. This is my favorite snow tree. Love it.


Amy J said...

Kim, thanks for the thin mint recipe. I will be trying it out here soon, and will let you know! And I know how you feel about the weather!

gretchen said...

I love the first picture!

But yes, I am ready for winter to be over. After all, it is April! Why is it still snowing?!?!?!

Brooke said...

This is when you come to Arizona to escape the misery. We have more than enough sunshine to go around. (I are bugged at me that I just said that...ok, then come).