Saturday, January 10, 2009

Date Night at the Body Worlds Exhibit

So, I took myself on a date to the body worlds exhibit on friday night at 11 pm. It has been here for months and I had every intention of going months ago, but I am a procrastinator!!! So here I am alone on a friday night waiting to get into the 11 o'clock is 11:35. You know the long lines at disneyland that you have to wait in for hours on end? That is what it looks like here! Incredibly long lines of ticket holders like me, who all thought that since their ticket says 11:00 it will be 11 when you get in. We are all mistaken. It is my own fault that I am waiting in these incredibly long snaking lines, since this is the final weekend! Big mistake on my part. The funniest thing is that I am currently in the basement line, it moves upstairs to the upstairs line before you get into the exhibit! I can't complain, I have my ipod and my friend Michael is texting me. I should be thoroughly entertained!

I made it is now 11:55. Thank heavens I can blog from my phone! That way you can get the play by play of my Body Worlds experience.

Something they fail to tell you as you are waiting in endless lines, is that there is the basement line, the upstairs line, and the upstairs upstairs line. Now I am ten minutes away from getting into the exhibit and it is only 12:55 in the morning! I have been waiting in line for the 11 o'clock show since 10:45 last night. Two hours later I am ten minutes from getting inside!! I would wager that these lines could rival disneyland lines any day of the week!

The exhibit was absolutely fascinating and absolutely phenomenal!! I had a great time looking at all the bodies inside and out. It was very well done. I felt like I was in anatomy class again. It was very educational. Something that I would love to see again and encourage everyone if you get the chance to see it.


Amy J said...

You must also be an extremly patient person! After living here in the land of people not knowing how to make a line, we have kindof forgotten how orderly things can be in America. Glad to hear that you had a good time.

Debbie said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe that you had to wait that long! I would think at the most 30 minutes over the time it tells you. That is unreal. Good thing you can blog like you said. I need to know what phone you have, and how to do that!

Chrystal said...

I think I'll just take your word for it - - the insides of bodies is not something I think I could wait hours in line to see - but I appreciated the experience by proxy through you!! Cool!

Brooke said...

Sounds like you had a blast. That is crazy that you were there so long!