Monday, September 29, 2008

Fall is my favorite season

I absolutely love fall! It is my favorite season! Well, one of them anyway! I love that the leaves start changing color and the temperature cools to what is a more livable temp. I love to be able to get outside and exercise and enjoy the great outdoors.
I just got a new camara and so I had to try it out. My parents live in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Eden. I went out driving and found several amazing shots.
I think it is absolutely beautiful up here. This first one is a pic over Pine View Reservior. I thought the leaves were so colorful and so beautiful!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I know I am morbid, but I just couldn't resist!

I have been packing my house for the past several days, not a fun task. It honestly makes me wonder why I do this to myself. As I was packing up my rug, a thought came to me.......'I hope nobody sees me putting this in the storage shed, cuz it looks uncannily like a human body wrapped in garbage bags!!'
Honestly, you cannot disagree with me. I could get in a lot of trouble if the wrong eyes see me packing the shed. Picture it, 2008, the cops are called to Ace Storage for unit C-10. I can see the disappointment in their faces as they go to all the work to break into the unit, just to discover a rug really nicely wrapped up.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Housing Crisis Averted

After having my house on the market since June with a lot of walk through's but no takers, I finally decided to put it up for rent. Two days later, I have my house rented starting October 1st. What an absolute blessing.......I hope. I know renting can bring a multitude of problems, but these people have excellant references and credit checks. I rented my last house out for a year and it ended up being such a blessing. I am hoping I experience the same thing again.
I guess I was a little surprised that my house never sold since my last one went in 9 days to the second people who walked through. I guess the market troubles have people very jittery.
I am still completely up in the air as to what I will be doing for the next 13 weeks of my life. I am looking at anything and everything. I have been submitted in San Jose and Denver. We will see. I could end up anywhere!! I am just thankful I don't have to worry about my house (well, not too much hopefully)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Where to go??

I am down to two weeks left in my current RN traveling assignment. There are good and bad things about being a traveling nurse. The best part about it, is that if I hate a job, I am only there for thirteen weeks......which by the way can be extremely long if you hate your job. Other great things about it are that I get to live in a lot of new and exciting places. It is always fun to meet new people and live in different cities. I do love the job.
The bad thing, is that I don't ever know where to go for the next assignment. The decision-making is always hard for me because I ponder and think and think and ponder and on and on and on for days over a pretty insignificant decision. Just decide already!! Maybe I should take a vote and let other people decide for me. So, I am down to a few places to choose from. Not sure entirely what I am doing yet, but hopefully will know for sure in two weeks since I will be jobless at that time!
San Jose, California
Orange County, California
Seattle, Washington