my sweet boy jack started getting sick 1 and 1/2 weeks ago. It started with vomiting and progressed rapidly to lethergy, lack of appetite, and tremors. jack lost 9lbs. it was obvious jack felt sick. he was weak. he was disinterested in everything i tried to do to encourage him. i was worried sick. i was scared to death. i could not imagine my life without my sweet boy. he was so young at heart just 9 days ago and now he was an old man. what is going on?
i took jack to two different vets to figure out what could be wrong with the boy. he had blood drawn, iv's placed, x-rays. the poor boy was getting poked and prodded all over.
jack wouldn't look at me as i left him at the vet. he felt like i was betraying him. poor little guy
jack has never been so skinny. his little gut was sunken in and he actually had a cute little waist line. i wish he didn't
poor little jack with his iv in place
you can tell jack is sick. he has no sparkle in his eyes. he has no energy at all. he looks miserable
oh my poor baby. even sick he is the most handsome dog on earth
jackie was diagnosed with addisons disease 9 days after getting sick. addisons is an endocrine disorder that affects so many things. really to get a good grip on the disease, you just need to google primary addisons disease. as you can see, once we started treatment the sparkle in his eyes returned. he is almost back to his old self.
he is so happy! he will be on prednisone and procortin for the rest of his life, but once controlled addisons is an easy disease to live with.
my boy is BACK!!!
and he loves those rocks! i am so incredibly grateful for all the prayers and support sent our way for the last 9 days. it has been a roller-coaster, but now that we know what is wrong we can treat it and he can live a long healthy life.