Sunday, September 19, 2010

Marina Del Rey

Jack and I went to Marina Del Rey today and had so much fun just walking around.  We hung around the marina and the boardwalk. It was overcast and cold, but we had a blast!
I love this!
Happy girl!
Cute boy!
Jack desperately wanted to get the squirrel that ran up into the tree
Jack practically climbed the tree
After chasing the squirrel around, Jack was really thirsty!  I'm pretty sure we'd get in some trouble if someone saw him in the fountain.
 I love boats even if they are in the marina
Cute seals barking!
He looked right at me!
Lighthouse in the distance
This house in the Marina has a pirate and canons and someone hanging from the rafters. Interesting
Gorgeous view of homes along the waterway.  It would be so great to live here
I couldn't stop thinking about alligators.  They don't have them here, but I kept thinking that Jack couldn't swim.  I have spent too much time in Florida and South Carolina!
Nice views while eating dinner on the boardwalk
Drove past Venice Beach on the way home.  What a fun day!  Jack and I had so much fun.  I love seeing new places here in California.  There is always so much to do and see!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Dog Whisperer.....and PINK

Today Jack and I went to a dog fair at LACMA (a park in Los Angeles).  They had booths and adoption agencies with dogs everywhere that were available for adoption.  I had stopped at the Cesar Milan The Dog Whisperer booth (no one else was even around) and was chatting with a worker when none other than Cesar Milan himself showed up.  He said to me, "so, you want me to work with your dog?" and I said, "I would absolutely love you to work with my dog" and he said, "so would everyone".  In the midst of our conversation, we became surrounded by people everywhere taking photos of Cesar and paparazzi.  So, like everyone else, I took photos!
While hanging out around all the people, Jack and another dog started wrestling.  It was funny because some of the paparazzi took pics of the two dogs wrestling.  Hopefully he will end up in a magazine!
Getting some make-up before the big speech
It was cool to hear him talk.  He said something that I have believed for a long time and it even brought tears to his eyes, but he said, "dogs are so loyal and loving to us. they forgive us over and over and they still love us even if they have never been treated kind by a human they still have a capacity to love us".  I also feel that dogs are such forgiving creatures.  People could hurt them over and over and they would still be loving towards them.
It was fun to be a part of this event
Pink was also there to support the cause for dogs
I could never get a face shot of her though, too many peeps wanted photos with her

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fun day in Santa Monica Take One

There were so many things to take photos of, that our blog post today will be done in two takes.  This photo is of a walkway along the beach in Santa Monica.  It was so gorgeous here today!
Jack was looking longingly at the water.  He loves to swim and would have loved to be out there! Santa Monica however, is a no dogs on the beach kinda town. Bah humbug!
Mama and her baby
Views of the Santa Monica pier
Really interesting twisted trees along the path
Gorgeous views of the mountains and scenery
Jack found someone to wrestle with at the beach.  He was a domesticated dingo
Jack in the sunset
Nightlife at the Santa Monica pier

Santa Monica Take Two

View from afar of the pier
Fun rides on the pier
Roller coaster of terror
Gorgeous sunset in Santa Monica
Most handsome dog ever!
Gorgeous night in Santa Monica