Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cute Hawaiian Kids

Gorgeous Maddie
Hawaiian Girl
Little Jane. Such a sweetheart
Jane's soggy feet

Sweet Jane
Livy is beautiful
Happy Livy
Handsome Thomas. He is a hard one to track down.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last Days in Hawaii

Beautiful Reflections
Sailboat in the Sunset
I love palm trees

Another Hawaiian Sunset
My Favorite Place
Views from my room

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just When You Thought There Couldn't Be More Hawaiian Fun

Gorgeous Night

Hotel Pool. Lots of fun here.
One of my favorite things.  This is a electric bidet that is attached in the toilet.  I laughed every time I used it.  Cracked me up.
Sunset Views

Mauna Lani Grounds

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Even More Hawaiian Fun

Views of the beach at the resort

My favorite thing to do while I was in Hawaii was lay in this hammock and relax.  I read some great books with the sounds of the ocean as my background noise.  The waves were crashing not two feet from me.  The most peaceful place on earth.  I absolutely LOVE this place.  So incredibly amazing.

More surfboards. I just can't get enough.

Handsome Jack Slater
At the PSI dinner.  What a gorgeous night
One of my favorite pics.  These kids are so stinkin cute.
Relaxing day in Hawaii

Thursday, May 20, 2010

More Hawaii Fun

Gorgeous views on grounds of Mauna Lani resort
Getting ready to go out
Views at dusk.
At the church in Waimea
Sepia Sunset
My Christmas card pic for this year :)
I absolutely love Hawaiian sunsets
Walking to the snorkeling beach
The Hollow Tree

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hawaii Fun

I love the surfboards.

View from my balcony.  I could not get enough of this!
Fun at the pool
More gorgeous hotel grounds
Fun day at the beach
Totally relaxing reading a book in a hammock by the sea
Jane having a blast on the boogie board
Maddie digging a hole to water
Livy, Matt, and Jane with their sea turtle

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hawaii day 1

I was invited by my cousin Emily to come to Hawaii with her family.  We arrived in Hawaii ready to play and have a fantastic time. As you can tell, the hotel has gorgeous grounds.
The hotel gave us lei's when we got there.  Such beautiful flowers.

This is the gorgeous view from my balcony
Happy girl in paradise!
Me holding Jack Slater
The whole family at Tres Hombres for dinner.  Yummy food!