Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hike with Jack and the kids!

It finally stopped raining today. Well this morning anyway. It appears that it will rain again this afternoon. It has rained everyday for 2 weeks and it finally stopped. My nieces and nephew and Jack and I took advantage of the sunny weather and went for a hike. It was absolutely beautiful! There were tons of wildflowers and the view was amazing from the top of the mountain.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Jack in Waiting

Since my house has been rented for the last year, my sweet Jack has had to live with Reid and Val at their house. I have missed him so incredibly much. He is so sweet and loves me so much. He makes me so happy. I just love him.
This is one of my favorite things to see. When I pull up to their house, Jack already knows I am there. He must recognize the sound of my car as I pull up to the house. I can see him through the glass of the front door patiently waiting for me to come and open it. I think it is so incredibly cute.

Happy Birth-Week to Me!!

Today is my 32nd birthday! It has been a fantastic day. It has been an odd day. I think that today is the first birthday ever (well, that I can remember) that it has been cold on my birthday. It is in the 50's here today and it has been absolutely pouring rain almost all day. I don't remember ever needing to wear a sweater on my day, well today is that day. The weather made me change my birthday plans...no hike for me today and so I mostly spent the day relaxing with family. It has been a very nice day. My sweet brother TC gave me these beautiful orange roses for my birthday. He is so thoughtful, he knows that orange is my favorite color and so he got me the orange roses. I really appreciate him thinking of me. What a great brother.
I went to lunch with my parents at Ye Old Lions Den. It was a great lunch. My parents also gave me some Labrador retriever bookends from Ireland. They know how much I love my Jack and I apprieciate the bookends. I love and appreciate my parents so much for all they do for me. Thank you.
Finally, my dear sister Katie made me fajita's for dinner and a German chocolate cake. They were delicious! What a sweet sister. It has been a great day.
Yesterday, my friends took me out to dinner to Tepanyaki (one of my favorite places to go). It was absolutely delicious and a great time. Thanks to great friends as well.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Air Show.....Thunderbirds

Yesterday I went and watched the Thunderbirds perform at the Air Show at Hill Air Force Base. I have been in love with fighter pilots since I saw my first air show while on my mission in Texas. We got special permission from the Prez. to have P day on Saturday instead of Monday, and went to the air show in Corpus Christi. It was fantastic! These fighter pilots are amazing. Ever since then, I have tried to go to every air show by where I am living to see these shows. Here are some of my pics of the show. They amaze me.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Waterskiing...well, mostly Jack playing

We spent the day today waterskiing at Pine View Reservoir and of coarse, Jack came along. He absolutely loves the water and loves to play fetch. These are a few shots of the boy playing in the water.
Jack absolutely loves to hike a rock (like a football) through his legs. I was able to get this great action shot of him. It made me laugh so hard.